Cogent Solutions and Supplies

Cold and Flu Season Is Coming

5 Things You Can Do Today to Fight It at Work

Fight Cold and Flu Season at Work

Cold and flu season will soon be upon us. Here are five easy habits that fight the spread of illness at work.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly and often
    Thorough hand washing can reduce cold and flu in the general population by 16-21%. So wash well and use hand sanitizer after drying for extra protection.
  2. Clean your phone!
    Your phone may the germiest thing you touch. And you touch it every day, all day. Clean it regularly with screen safe wipes.
  3. Wipe down your desk
    Germs lurk on desk surfaces, keyboards, and armrests. Keep disinfectant wipes handy and wipe down your work area at least once daily.
  4. Stay home when you are sick
    Make it policy and culture to stay home when you are sick. You may be contagious 24 hours before your symptoms worsen and up to 24 hours after your fever breaks.
  5. Cough into your elbows
    Get in the habit of coughing and sneezing into your elbow, not your hands.

Need to stock up on soap, wipes, and sanitizer? We have everything you need to fight the good fight. Visit to learn more or order supplies.